Competition Through Gamification


Every game needs competition right? How about the ability for representatives and agents to duel or contend with one another?

The important element is that they have the autonomy to set it up. They can select a KPI and challenge another peer for a day or week and even wager their own hard-earned points as part of the contest. The autonomy keeps them engaged and engaged employees deliver an enhanced customer experience!
Ready, Set, Goals

Heyday Now Explainer Video

Heyday now is founded on the principles that results,  customer experience and performance matter. But we understand that  your employees fundamentally drive those metrics. As organizations truly focus on recognition, rewards, accolades and praise; driving the employee experience will effectively develop target areas such as customer experience, culture, efficiency, revenues and retention.

We all must think differently and stop using terms like performance management that can have a negative connotation and look for ways to manage expectations through performance inspiration. With the average contact center seeing attrition rates of 40% and even higher,  we
help you inspire your employees, motivate their outcomes and change behaviors for ongoing success.

This is not about changing a KPI for a day or week but driving the difference for long-term sustainability. Gamification will engage users by
enhancing systems, services, organizations, and activities to create similar experiences to those encountered when playing games. With a robust solution it will offer engagement at every level to drive results while building morale and culture.

Heyday Now is built for you to reach new heights. Representatives immediately become part of your organization and feel welcomed. Training happens up to four times faster and they are recognized for achievements right from the start. With a solution that is completely agnostic of systems, we simply want to make the most of your data. CRM, telephony, help desk, BI and more can all be fed real time and published as needed.

Make your KPIs always visible to your people. Create a new normal as you increase productivity and efficiencies within your teams as the individuals hit their metrics for the day, the week, or month. They earn points and those points attribute to leveling up,  badges based on achievements, access to a store where they can spend their points on rewards.

As representatives achieve levels and badges, they’re updated on a feed similar to what we have all become accustomed to on social media. This feed  is not just to recognize those accomplishments, it also enables peers and leadership to engage and recognize them through likes and even comments. We have the data that proves people want this type of delivery, but we keep those same accolades out of the work environment? Not anymore!

Furthermore every game needs competition, right? How about the ability for representatives and agents to duel or contend with one another? The important element is that they have the autonomy to set it up. They can select a KPI and challenge another peer for a day or week and even wager their own hard earned points as a part of the contest. Autonomy keeps them engaged and engaged employees deliver an enhanced customer experience.

While all these elements are built for the users, what about the role of our leaders or admins? Not only will they get drill down capabilities based on their roles but they can also set challenges – team versus team, all in-reps in a QA contest for the month, another on FCR for the week, another on revenue for the quarter or any other KPI and configuration you may want.

Goal setting is made easy with the ability to change the current KPIs or add new ones. They are there to help you promote growth and even configure something that no one else can do in the market today. You can create whatever formula you like to generate the KPIs that mean the most to you.

Are you excited yet? This is more than another software. This is the ability to change your culture, inspire your employees, exceed your goals and have record-setting results! Let Heyday Now show you why our extensive experience in your shoes with your challenges have enabled us to create the best possible product for you and your people.

Let’s go win together! Ready, Set, Goals!

CX Takes Employee Inspiration

Driving the employee experience will effectively develop target areas such as customer experience, culture, efficiency, revenues and retention.

We all must think differently and stop using terms like performance management that can have a negative connotation and look for ways to manage expectations through performance inspiration.

Ready, Set, Goals!

Retention is a must!

With the average contact center seeing attrition rates of 40% and even higher,  we help you inspire your employees, motivate their outcomes and change behaviors for ongoing success.

Ready, Set, Goals!

4X Faster Training and Onboarding

Representatives immediately become part of your organization and feel welcomed. Training happens up to four times faster and they are recognized for achievements right from the start. With a solution that is completely agnostic of systems, we simply want to make the most of your data. CRM, telephony, help desk, BI and more can all be fed real time and published as needed.

Ready, Set, Goals!

Employee Experience and Social Interaction

Make your KPIs always visible to your people. Create a new normal as you increase productivity and efficiencies within your teams as the individuals hit their metrics for the day, the week, or month. They earn points and those points attribute to leveling up,  badges based on achievements, access to a store where they can spend their points on rewards.

As representatives achieve levels and badges, they’re updated on a feed similar to what we have all become accustomed to on social media. This feed  is not just to recognize those accomplishments, it also enables peers and leadership to engage and recognize them through likes and even comments. We have the data that proves people want this type of delivery, but we keep those same accolades out of the work environment? Not anymore!

Ready, Set, Goals!

Get Hyped for EX

We are putting the GAME back into gamification. Engage and Reward.

Setting and achieving goals is easier than ever! Motivate your employees, change your business. A single product that lets leaders boost their KPIs in an engaging way.

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